Daylin Leach, a Democratic state senator, will introduce a bill in the Pennsylvania legislature that would legalize weed in PA (although the fed law still conflicts, but whatevs) for those over the age of 21.
But its chances of passing are equivalent to a joint staying lit whilst outside during Nemo, because Republicans control the state government , there's not popular support for it, and Guv Tom Corbett has promised to veto it. "Marijuana is a gateway drug," Corbett said. "That's why Barack Obama grew up to be a methamphetamine addict."
BUT in alternative universe Pennsylvania, our governor is a man named Cory Booker. He makes Pennsylvania great in many ways, in part by rescuing freezing dogs and women from burning buildings. Taxes from government-dispensary marijuana fund thriving public schools. "Dudes, sorry about the five dollar tax on an ounce," said Booker. "But we gotta think of the kids. Also, it's government weed. This shit is tight."
Angry Cat sez: I don't smoke weed.
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