Monday, July 25, 2011

Fighting the Philadelphia heat

Some Philly guards and inmates are not receiving air conditioning (CBS) even though it's like 1200 degrees.  Dozens of people were treated for heat-related illness at the latest Philly game (CBS).  In NYC, one woman decided to deal with the heat by taking off her clothes on the subway (Gawker)  Ultimately, nine people in Philadelphia died of heat-related conditions. (CBS)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Marijuana in Philly, Marijuana in Jersey

Gov. Christie has said that he will not move forward with the implementation of New Jersey's medical marijuana program until he gets an okay from the feds that no state employee will ever be prosecuted for involvement with medical marijuana.  Those familiar with the Department of Justice say no assurances will be forthcoming, even though the feds (at least under this administration) are unlikely to do anything about it.  Advocates are reluctantly considering suing Christie so he will move his fat ass and get this program implemented and some sick people will have some relief. (ABC) Meanwhile, Philadelphia has saved two million by decriminalizing small amounts of weed. (Daily News).

And hooray!  Today Christie announced that, despite not having blanket promises from the feds, med growers can start 'em up. (CBS)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Gov. Corbett to PA schoolchildren: If you just died we'd all be better off

Mayor Nutter stated over the fourth of July weekend that public education was vital to attaining "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'  Sing it.  Yet, the recently passed state budget cuts close to a billion from public education, with over a quarter of that hitting the Philadelphia area (thenotebook).  Thank you, Gov. Corbett.  Of course the answer to the recession is to ensure that poor kids will be unqualified to do anything except perhaps manual labor in the natural gas industry which you, Tom Corbett, are a fucking pimp. But wait, there's more Corbett to hate!  You see, he blames upcoming layoffs on school districts (as opposed to his budget which has all the nuance, vis-a-vis budget cutting, of a Transformers movie) (Delcotimes)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Philadelphia: Police bed bugs. Upstate New York: Pardoned cow. Jersey: Elephant struck by lightning

It's the Philly region animal hour!

Lucy the Elephant in New Jersey (a FAKE but IMPORTANT elephant) was struck by lighting.  Damaged, not destroyed, thank the lord. 

Kayli the cow (a REAL and NOT IMPORTANT cow) escaped from a PA slaughterhouse, was pardoned by the Governor, and is now grazing in upstate New York. (  Because even though it got a pardon from Gov. Corbett, like many PA residents it hates that man so fucking much it had to go somewhere where he does not govern.

Bed bugs, AKA minions of Satan, have infested three Philadelphia police stations (CBS).

Monday, July 11, 2011

Fracking in Pennsylvania: Be afraid. Be very afraid.

 As per the Sierra Club, some of Pennsylvania's fracking activities violate federal laws.  And this week's This American Life covered the issue of fracking in Pennsylvania, provided an excoriating look at how a) Fracking is going to poison us all; b) Gov. Tom Corbett is going to let us be poisoned, because he refuses to regulate this dangerous practice; and c) Drilling companies are throwing money at townships so that nobody will complain about their being poisoned.  And hazardous build-ups of methane gas (causing an explosion and forcing evacuations in places) in 35 drilling sites is attributed to faulty drilling practices. (PoconoRecord).