Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Books: My next novel is going to be about herpes and you suck, R. Crumb

The Guardian suggests that some of the most compelling novels are about disease.  The Guardian also totally believes that Robert Crumb sucks hard, contrary to the opinion of the literary world and comic book guy.   Galley Cat offers a free mixtape of the award winners in the ALA Youth Media competition.  A debut novelist got this year's Newberry Award.  Oh, the envy, it burns.  Just kidding, congrats Clare Vaaderpool.  And finally, there is a new prize for formal poets.

1 comment:

  1. I am a fan of Michael Vick and I watch the news about her every day. Guess what? Michael Vick has herpes!!!

    OMG!!! Shocked!! Even celebrity can get STDs. No wonder why more and more sexy girls and guys join the largest STD dating site PositiveFish. com to look for dating and support. My friend who found his wife on positivefish told me that this site is created by plenty of fish and it now has more than 650,000 members. Unfortunately, STD rates soar worldwide and most people with STDs don't even know that they have them.
