A teacher attempted to motivate her students to read by writing a novel with her students as characters doing things like, well, doing drugs and fucking, apparently. The students were very happy to read it. The teacher was not so happy to lose her job and go to court. (The Guardian). Those of you who watched Qaddafi's speech yesterday probably have two questions 1) What drugs was he on and how do I get some and 2) What the hell was that green book from which he was reading? Well the name of that book is (wait for it) The Green Book, and Galleycat has a succinct explanation of what's in them there pages. Inkygirl has what she claims is photographic evidence that Twilight is good for nothing but the bargain bin.
Finally, Metafilter by way of Flavorpill brings us word of the first official documentary of David Foster Wallace. It's called Endnotes. Sniff.
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