Saturday, August 18, 2012

PA Voter ID: Cockblocking the election

Title thanks to John Stewart, brought to you by PoliticsPA.  The day the judge issued the ruling upholding the law?  Corbett abandoned plans for an online initiative that would let voters w/o ID request absentee ballots (Inquirer) Penn DOT, the agency that issues photo ID, is spending its time with some propaganda about "Cheese Steaks" which is also not how you write cheesesteak, and also, may I gently inquire why the fuck it is doing this?  I mean, when you think SEPTA, do you think, "meat and cheese resembling dog food on a bun?" NOT COOL. Taking up the slack is an 80-year old woman who is going door-to-door in the lovely Philly August, singing her little song about the importance of getting ID (NBC).  I mean it's lovely, but don't you want to sit that lady in front of an AC and get her something cool to drink?  I also want the punk rock version of that song SCREAMED IN PAUL RYAN'S FACE.  N.J. is taking steps to block any voter I.D. laws being passed there, kind of like dosing your child with anti-louse shampoo when you find out the friend has lice (Inquirer).

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