Saturday, January 26, 2013

SEPTA naked man: wrong to mock?

Recently, a man absolutely naked (aside from the boxer shorts on his HEAD) attacked a SEPTA bus, pressing his genitalia against the glass for the driver and all to see (NSFW), then jumped off and chased the people filming him, then jumped in the back of a pick up truck.  Then he was arrested.

On the one hand, there are those moments experienced by the commuters as they saw this man waggling his goods in their faces; it was nothing they expected on their commute, surely.  It is profound and we should contemplate it.

On the other hand, as Philebrity noted, posting videos and photos of SEPTA commuters who have lost their minds is really not the most humane way to behave.  Having a good laugh at people who have, without a doubt, bottomed out, is a soulless endeavor.

There is also the fact that mental illness isn't funny.  In early January a homeless man froze to death in New York City.   There are approximately 4,000 homeless people in Philadelphia on a given night.  Of course, we've had a week of killing cold.  Hopefully Naked SEPTA Man got some help.  Whether people are laughing at him or not should be the least of Naked SEPTA Man's concerns.  Which doesn't justify laughing at the fellow, but if that laughter is followed by meaningful discussion of how a city deals with its mentally ill, that is better than not talking about it at all, no?

ANGRYCAT watches for Naked SEPTA people for YOU.

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