Sunday, March 27, 2011

Philly: Gov Corbett is evil some more, please do not snort bath salts, hijinks at Philly zoo

So Gov. Corbett doesn't just want to defund our schools; no, that would not be sufficiently in keeping with his quest to obtain the notice of Lucifer himself.  No, he wants voter approval for school district budgets, and teachers will be laid off if they don't show results.   What are results?  Who knows?  Who cares! (

Apparently the newest local way to get high is to snort bath salts.  And when I say high I mean complete psychotic break that is in no way good and will probably end up with you and your cat dead. (Leighton News)

Philadelphia Zoo has a rhino that is obsessed with the Ellen DeGeneres show.  What, sometimes it's a slow news day.  In other Philly Zoo news, the name of the institution has apparently been changed to "Penis World." (Philebrity)

1 comment:

  1. Those bath salts are absolutely insane! I seen some guys snorting them on the subway, well when I say guys I mean your typical scary junkie characters. Whats crazy is you can actually buy them from eBay!

    Expect to see your local junkies at the library signing up for eBay accounts in the near future!


    Great article as usual guys
