A Pennsylvania funeral was disrupted by the unexpected appearance of a six-foot snake. (DelcoTimes)
An Inquirer editorial called Gov. Corbett's vision of state education "Orwellian," with public school students acting as proles. Gov. Corbett suggested that public universities make up for the yawning abyss in school budgets he created by leasing university lands to gas drillers for fracking purposes. (Pennsylvania Progressive) Perhaps what Corbett hopes that the fracking on these lands will kill off all the faculty and students, thus neatly eliminating the problem of those people and their book-learnin'. Because, for reals, if Corbett wasn't about that shit? Why isn't he trying to fill the state budget with a little tax on the people who are preparing to break Pennsylvania good and proper (i.e., the companies drilling for gas). (Inquirer)
Thankfully, we don't have to worry about it for too long, for as SEPTA tells us, THE END IS FUCKING NIGH. Holy crap, isn't SEPTA a bit worried that some fragile folks would be disturbed by this? (Philebrity)
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